My blog. My world. My rules. Now get on your knees.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sorry but...... you're fake. Or poser-ish, pick whichever.

(12:08 AM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sorry, really forgot to text you when I was in my dad's car. When I saw the 2 messages and 5 missed calls, was super guilty and sorta a little pleased you were so concerned about me. But maybe it's just me, if you were really that concerned, you wouldn't have wanted to go back to sleep first thing. Maybe it's just me.

Anyway, stuff to do(easier to write stuff down here and get organised):
1) bcomm blog resume,
2) integrated assignment of pmkt and bcomm, although I have no idea what it's about,
3) pmkt project
4) LSR project presentation
4) study ass off.

And I've GOT to stop eating so much crap.

(7:17 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Friday, July 24, 2009

You know what pisses me off about the whole thing? It's not even that he didn't let me go. It's that he just flat out refuses to let me go, without giving me a reason why, doesn't even want to discuss it and tried to intimidate me by raising his voice. Hello? I'm 17. It's the age that comes after 16. That raising your voice thing gets a little old. So does just saying no and refusing to tell me why. Stop fucking treating me like a child.

(7:50 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just watched "To Be Fat Like Me", a documentary about how life's like when you're a fat girl in high school. Not bad at all. Can catch it on HBO.

Anyway, found this note thing in FB but still don't know how to work it, so I'll just post it here.

.1. You & your ex – Punch him in the face, kick him in the nuts, take your pick.
2. What are you listening to - Move Shake & Drop by DJ Laz
3. Maybe I should – STUDY
4. I love – Jeffrey Wong Chean Sin. Haha does the chinese name spoil it? And my dad too.
5. I don't understand – women.
6. I have lost my respect for – hmmm.. I'll get back to you on that.
7. I last ate – chips =P

1. Is your hair wet? Yeah.
2. Is your cell phone right by you? Yep.
3. Do you miss someone? What do you think?
4. Are you wearing chap stick? No.
5. Are you tired? A little.
6. Are you wearing pajamas? Define pyjamas.
7. Are you mad? No, but the guy sitting across me at the mahjong table certainly was.

Are you shy? Yes LMAO.
Could things get any better? Everything could always get better.
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night? No.
Has there been anyone particular on your mind at all today? Not today but definitely yesterday.
Do you ever crack your knuckles/ back/ ankles/ wrists/ etc? Nah, used to but my knuckles are big enough.
Could you date someone taller than you? Already am. 23cm taller. Sooooooo fuckable. HAHAHA.
Do you need to say anything to someone? Hmmm.. Loads of things to say to loads of people but I'll be too bitchy if I say some of those things =]
Honestly, does your crush like you back? No.. He loves me right? Haha this is too cheesy.. But as Josh Holloway says and I would definitely agree with him, it's hot to have a crush on your SO.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? TDH =]
Do you wear glasses? Now, yes.
Lyrics from the song you're listening to? "More than words, is all I ever needed you to show...."
Did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today? Outside or outdoors?
Honestly, what's running through your mind? Nothing much now really.
Have you ever asked a girl for advice? Wow. I actually don't think so. Anyone care to refresh my memory?
Ever kissed under water? Not kissing. =P
When was the last time you were told you were cute? Cute? Can't remember.
How late did you stay up last night? 11pm?
Do you think boys truly understand girls? Kind of a rhetorical question isn't it?
What is one word you seem to always misspell that you know you shouldn't? There is a word but I can't recall it now.
What was the last movie you watched? Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with my dad, wasn't that good though.
Last song played more than three times? I Got It From My Mama.
Last person to fall asleep with? Jeff.
Ever skip class? Lectures, yes.
What color is your room? Purple and white and greyish-black. Sounds weird in words doesn't it lol.
Who'd you have lunch with? Rather have dessert =P HAHA
Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating? No.. I'm not loose. Hi Brenda and Erin! =D
Are you ticklish? Not anymore, thanks to Pam and Cyn and Jl.
Does your ex have a job? Army now where I hope he dies.
How many piercings do you have? Navel that closed, one in left year that closed, one in each year.
Have you held hands with anybody in the past week? Yep.
Do you want any tattoos? Maybe, in the future.
Will you cry at your wedding? No idea.
Are you wearing any clothes that don’t belong to you? Ahhh.... No.
What are your plans for the weekend? Study? Lol yeah right.
You have to get a facial piercing, what do you get? The first thought was to grab the piercing gun and kill the piercing guy with it.. Think I've been taking too many FB quizzes LOL.
Do you have a little sister? No thank god.
Do you like Taylor Swift? She's okay.
Last time you were heart broken? When we last quarelled I guess.
Do you sleep with the door open or closed? CLOSED.
Have you ever dated a soccer player? No but wouldn't mind IF I WERE SINGLE. Read the capitalised part too!
Do you hope your children are like you one day? Ahh.... In some aspects I guess.
Do you take walks often? Nah I jog though.
Needles aren't so horrible? Well.. Would rather not have them.
Do you like meeting new people? If he's hot =P Don't have that expression on your face babe you know you'd have the same answer.
Would you rather have long or short hair? Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.
Favorite book that was made into a movie? Favourite book wasn't made into a movie.
Do you like tattoos and piercings? On people who can pull them off.

(10:45 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Came in second in the mahjong competition lawls. Although it wasn't organised well and the prize was given wrongly(came in 2nd by right) but was still fun =] And sorry! I really really didn't think.. Promise I won't ever do it again.

(4:55 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Monday, July 20, 2009

I know it really shouldn't bother me but whatever I do and no matter how hard I try, I can never ever be like her. Whatever, get over it me.

Should sleep but can't. And wanted to blog about something else but can't remember what it is.. Guess I'm not meant to talk about it I guess. No secret though, I don't think.. I can't remember anything about it. Oh wait I remember now.. Just wanted to say I ran and walked 7.2km on the treadmill today.. HAHA sounded so serious at first. Pft guess I should go sleep. Expecially since I'm in a mahjong competition tomorrow lawls.

(11:35 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I got so excited thinking I could get my clothes from ZS just after 2 days because he said Tuesday, when it's in fact next NEXT Tuesday. Nice.

And TDH got me into the mahjong competition hahaha.

And I swear we're the best project team ever, finishing a 10 page report(actually exceeding it by one page lol) in 2 days. Although honestly we might not get the best marks though. I think the content is good but just don't get the feeling we'll get excellent results. We'll see I guess.

IEF project! Great apparently KPT hasn't even started marking yet. Wtf.

STILL LOOKING FOR LIFE IN TECHNICOLOUR ONE! Although II's pretty good but I still want the instrumental one.. anyone can send it to me? And a whole bunch of other sogns too, desperately need to get new songs, mine are outdated pft.

And I don't care, I'm NOT fat, whatever anyone says. Although.. I will eat less. Just to shut you guys up.

Just ignore her face and look downwards. Damn am I bitchy lol.
Damn wish I could be carried like that =(

Supposedly Randy Orton.
He looks good in ANYTHING! From nothing to formal wear even.

Harry Potter was just okay I guess. Books are ALWAYS better. Speaking of which , I don't know where my Half-Blood Prince book is. Think it's with Jl.

(8:22 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blah can't get into the mahjong competition.. Blah.

And bought stuff from ZS, hope they turn out good =]

Aaaaaaaand my ballet teacher says I'm fat. And so does my dad. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. Okay but seriously am I that fat =( HATE THIS.

(10:02 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gym in the morning, ran and walked about 7 1/2 km and weights. Need to make arms smaller! Then off to ballet class after school.. But I ate so much today anyway so no difference blah.

TDH surprised me today.. I saw his text(HE ACTUALLY TEXTED ME GASP(Okay just kidding still love you =P)) about calling him after I finish at the gym so we could go for lunch. I called and asked "Where?" Guess what he said? Shangri-La. For their international lunch buffet. Yes I was really surprised too.. I mean, it's not everyday you get to eat at a hotel you know? Food was good =]

You know sometimes relationships like.. go stale after a while? It's happening to way too many people around me, although, I'm really happy to say mine's after that stage now (to me at least).. Yes we did go through that and I was being a bitch about it lol. So was reading this article on Women's Health: 15 Relationship Milestones.

First Talk: Was way back when I was still with my ex(May he get his thing chopped off, accidentally or not. Not that there's much anyway =]), I was bored and I was texting TDH, commented I felt weird not talking to someone at night and then he offered to talk and we watched Nigella together hahaha. But was really really nice.

First Kiss: Outside the classroom on block 72 level 3. Talk about cheeky! Used tongue on the first time! Lol may be TMI.

Girlfriend?: When I asked him on a Friday, in between our different IS modules, the one hour break. I swear he looked so damn cute when he realised I was about to ask him. Apparently I'm the only one out of FIFTEEN(spelling it out in caps makes more of an impact than simply writing 15) girlfriends who asked the official question. Loooooooong ass story but I won't get into it now. AND when he introduced me as his girlfriend for the very first time to his drummer friend, Nathaniel.(Right name?)

First Morning: First class chalet together, when we woke up. Even though I think I stole his blanket all night and he couldn't sleep shivering. Poor thing!

I Love You?: He said it first, in my bed, when we were about to sleep. SLEEP. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING PEOPLE, THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SWEET POST.

First We: Maybe we do it too often for me to realise it. (There goes the we again!)

First Fight: Same day as the day I asked him to be my boyfriend. (Actually I asked if he would like me to be his girlfriend.)

First Trip: Three oh oh five oh five. =]

First Grocery Shop: Heh we used to do this all the time.

First Control: I guess.. when he let me drive his car. Totally surprised he trusted me so much.

The Future?: Oh yeah.

First Notice: Well.. we haven't gotten to that "still looking at your lovingly part so.."

First Doctor Visit: For the cervical cancer shot I guess. Nothing life threatening.

Caring Together: Nothing yet.. Because I won't allow a dog.

Your Commitment: Oh YEAH.

Please don't be freaked out by this post. I know it's cheesy but oh well.. AND DON'T EVER FUCKING CHEAT ON ME because I love you, a lot.

(10:13 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So anyway I'm in BCOMM now, bored as hell and am playing with the new camera I bought yesterday. Okay fine, my dad bought yesterday. And Brenda and Erin are camwhoring. With MY camera. NICE. So yes that's all.. I'm bored and playing with my camera.

One would think that with me being SO bored and the teacher not caring about what I'm doing because there are presentations going on and she's watching them and I don't necessarily have to watch because I already finished mine yesterday, I would want to collect my thoughts and write a really long and philosophical post. But no I don't. Meh.

Besides, what better reason than none at all to post pictures? Because we all know pictures attract HORDES OF THE CURIOUS.
Because we're all looking at the dog.

(11:30 AM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Saturday, July 11, 2009

So anyway, time to compose my long overdue 6-day apart post. Going to finish this up, troll others' blogs and then call TDH, who's already rushing me heh.

So anyway, Pam came baaaaack! Yay! Was so excited to see her, although when we went out, all we practically did was walk from place to place to eat and talk our asses off. So we went to Soup Spoon, where I found out I don't like pumpkin soup, then to Cedele whose pavlova has a medicinal taste, over to Thai Express for dinner and a very delicious, spicy Red Tom Yam Crayfish Glass Noodles, and lastly Hagen Daz for a brownie topped with Belgian Chocolate ice cream, which I STILL don't like, and probably never will like Hagen Daz ice cream, except their coffee one. What a calorie-filled day, thank god for exercise. Too bad I can't see her again before she leaves on Monday.. But you know what was the first thing Jl said to me when she saw me? "Did you put on weight?" Thanks. Measured and weighed myself.. Actually, I lost weight and inches and gained muscle so... suck on that!

Can I just say that I looooooove my ass and legs? Heh. I work my ass off so I'm entitled to say that so screw off if you think I'm being immodest. But you won't think that when you see my ass and legs. Too bad you never will, because it's all reserved for one person and one person only. And that's you babe hahaha. Okay SERIOUSLY I sound like such an airhead.

Tomorrow's going to be a loooooong ass day.. Will be at the wet market in the early morning with my dad, have ballet from 9am till 6pm, then off to studying at night for Monday's AAA test.. Sounds like fun huh?

And because this post's wordy, thinspo...:

And fucking sexy John Cena AND Randy Orton.:

(11:04 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Had the nice sushi for dinner, yum! And my dad drank sake, first time I saw him drunk hahaha.. His voice goes high pitch when he's drunk! And then he did some funny things.. haha I don't know whether to be amused or to be horrified. And I did the Merlvin, the: "Are you proud of yourself?" Lawls.

Aaaaand i went jogging today. Yes when I'm having the flu.. But I kinda feel like I NEED to jog.. I WANT to jog. I think I'm losing it. Am I enjoying it now? Haha.

(8:25 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Lost weight =]

(2:49 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

In such a baking mood today, already made 2 batches of choc chip cookies, soft ones for Brenda and crisp ones for TDH(and they're REALLY successful this time(heh)), a chocolate cake and blueberry scones, all before 12pm. Wheeeeee.. So right now I don't know what to do and I'm talking to Brenda and she's going to do tutorials.. How come doing tutorials never crosses my mind? Lol talk about hardworking..

Soooo results:
PMKT: 84%
AAA: 84%
IEF: 70% (UGH)
SOM: 88%


Anyway, thinspo:

(11:59 AM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Mahjong 3 days in a row. FUCKING good luck today, 1 man tai, 1 man tai zi mo, and 1 three tai. $68.80. In three games. =D

(1:28 AM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Thursday, July 2, 2009

That day, TDH mentioned he didn't really like Megan Fox's legs. Wanna know the reason why? Her knees are too big. Yes, knees. KNEES. For cryin' out loud.I don't even know what to say. And I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Anyway, handing in the IEF project tomorrow, glad THAT'S over and done with! And getting back SOM and IEF results too.. can't wait! Heh hope I do well! IEF's... Blah.

So anyway ate pretty well today i guess, well as in good food, not healthy. Thai food, GREAT pad thai, then Doubly Bay for dinner. Oysters were average, calamari was saved by the batter. Fish and chips were good. Best fish and chips ever! But the sad thing is, it gets too cloying because there's so much OIL.. It's freaking oily.. So can't have too much of it. Dessert looked good, but was too full at the end of it. Good day anyway.

And mahjong 2 days in a row.

(10:08 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

So anyway I was printing out the IEF stuff and my printer ran out of ink halfway -.- And now have to wait for TDH to go to the car after he finishes eating so he can send it to me so I can do my work. Blah. IEF SUCKS. Okay actually.. It doesn't, just that the project is so tedious and ugh. As long as I don't have to wipe anyone's asses I'm fine =] Good groupmates!

I didn't notice it at first, but when TDH mentioned it.. I realised it was true! Taylor Swift is one bitter girl. Okay you might be going "Huh?! Taylor Swift with the virginal image, love songs, etc.?!" because I thought that at first as well. But if you think about it.. Her songs are all.. Well let the lyrics do the talking.

Teardrops On My Guitar-About Drew (named names!) who rejected her in high school.
White Horses-About another guy who rejects her.
You Belong With Me-Title doesn't say enough? Okay, it's about a guy who again, rejects her for another girl.
Breathe-About yet another guy who rejects her.
You're Not Sorry-About a guy who lets her down.
Cold As You-Title says it all.

Is anyone else sensing a pattern here?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I do like some of her songs, like White Horses and Love Story(although I'm pretty damn sick of hearing this now) but come on, give it a rest! Yes, you got rejected, doesn't everybody? Write some upbeat songs! But please, honest-to-God, don't rap.

Addicted to the song "Jump" by Flo Rida and Nelly Furtado! I know it's such a shallow song but any music that makes people happy is good music. It's like Move Shake & Drop by DJ Laz, and they're both so fun!

When I say jump you say how high

Jump~Flo Rida Feat. Nelly Furtado

When I got my PMKT results back today, my heart seriously skipped a beat when I saw a 42. I was thinking "SHIT! I failed! I can't believe I failed! I have to retake-" then my darling boyfriend interrupted and said it was over 50. And I still didn't believe him. Haha.. But yes it's 42 upon 50 so I got 84%! Woots!

Something happened yesterday.. for the first(and probably last) time in my entire mahjong career(yes it's career for me lawls), I helped cover TDH. Haha I actually won! In my entire CAREER, I've only ever won TWICE. Pathetic isn't it? But mahjong's fun! Damn the Caucasian mentality that it's only for old folks! 2 man tais and 1 san(3) tai. But we only play to a max of 5 and play 20, 40 so I won 6.40x4(one person has to pay double for giving me the tile, DAMN if I didn't get it myself) for a man tai(Kinda sounds like man tou doesn't it lol).

Love you so fucking much! Cheat on me and I'll kill you!

This post is rather wordy so I'll just end with thinspo. Spent almost 2 hours at the gym today! Proud of myself =]


(9:50 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

The Dancer.

Yes I'm SHY when I meet new people, so I come off as an unfriendly shithole.
+ Dancing =D
+ F.R.I.E.N.D.S
+ Desperate Housewives
+ Whose Line Is It Anyway
+ Shopping
+ Durians.. yum!

+ 2 faced people -.-
+ Words typed in THAT way
+ No ballet =(('Cept for a few minorities)

Guess?, Gucci, Zara, Forever 21, Topshop,
Pull and Bear


+ Tan like a beach goddess!
+ Smexxay, long hair that just fa-LOWS
+ To make people laugh

Jin Long
Xiu Hui
Yee Ting
Pei Ni
Jia Ying

Jun Shen
Zhong Shou
Han Yang
Pang Yong
Wee Chong


She Danced.

February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
April 2020
The Song.

Lyrics | Plain White T%27s Lyrics | A lonely September Lyrics


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