My blog. My world. My rules. Now get on your knees.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

OH OH OH! No it's not Ho Ho Ho spelled backwards or orgasm noises, but I just remembered this dream I had last week. I dreamt that I met Pierre Herme and he invited me to dinner! OMGOMGOMG! Okay this is such a "geeky" thing to be excited about but it's PIERRE HERME! Okay sheesh I'll stop talking about it.

This is such a contrasting post to the previous one but meh.

(7:59 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

When MJ died, all I thought was "Oh well", no offense meant. I normally really don't care about celebrity deaths, but Brittany Murphy's one shocked me. My jaw literally dropped when I saw the headlines. Apparently, she died from cardiac arrest and I guess she was too skinny to fight it. Don't really care if people look at this post and go "Meh", just had to say it anyway. I loved her in Uptown Girls, in a movie paired with Dakota Fanning, I can't say it's the best film ever, but I grew up with it and it's like a childhood thing, I guess this is why her death shook me up. RIP woman.

(5:14 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Sunday, December 20, 2009

So I bought my purple-tinged running shoes at Nike in Vivocity, and I can still remember the conversation between the salesguy and I:

SG(Salesguy): So why are you buying running shoes?
Me: I want to start exercising.
SG: Oh how come? Did someone motivate you?
Me: You know who Gisele Bundchen is?

And here I am, more than a year later.

Anyway, my plan was to just eat whatever I want, and let myself enjoy food during the CTs, and during the holidays, go to the gym almost everyday. 5 days a week, school gym, and watch what I eat. Well, that's the plan anyways. It's so weird that I'm typing this after eating like half a bag of chips, but come on I only have till midnight to enjoy it!

There is so much crap on the internet about dieting, weight loss, eating, exercise, etc. I once read something like this --

2 groups of people were sat down, and the 2nd group was told that they were to start a diet tomorrow. Guess which group ate more? The first group ate less, because they stopped eating once they felt full. The second group thought "Well I'm going on a diet tomorrow so I might as well enjoy myself now, even though I'm full." That's me now! Well come on, this is the only day (okay fine second day) I've done this =P

And as for jogging on a treadmill --

Since there are no obstacles in the way like when you're running in public, you're free to focus on your stance(although I don't think this helps me run lol), like how your shoulders should be square, feet should hit the treads below your knee, etc.

I really need distractions when I run, because otherwise I'd just be thinking "Oh God, I've been running for what feels like forever! *looks at the time* Only 10 mins?!?!?! ARGH!" After a few sessions of that, my personal favourite distractions:
-When in the school gym, watch the tv built-in the treadmill. Even switching all the crappy channels they have distracts from the actual running.
-Sing along very very softly to/Concentrate hard on the song playing in my iPod.
-Look around the gym for eye candy. After months of running in the school gym, so far, there's only 1, but I have to drag him there with me because he won't go by himself anymore.
-Peer over the treadmill to look at people by the pool. Most of the time, there are only people cleaning the pool, or there are people from canoeing or dragonboating, not sure which one.
-Daydream, about anything really. From meeting your celebrity irl to cooking something, etc etc. Mostly I just think of someone I don't like getting fat =] Aaaaaaaaand of course TDH!

Really hate running, but there is no better way to lose weight. ONLY reason I run.

Losing weight is 20% exercise and 80% diet.................. =(

(8:24 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

(303): I'm watching Cheaper By The Dozen. I almost forgot that Hilary Duff was a really shitty actor before she was a really shitty singer.

(636): Just got roadhead while going 95. I came for a mile and a half.

(604): Her boobs were tiny. I could have used her bra as a blind fold. Which in hindsight would have made things a lot better.

(678): Theres a baby at this concert double fisting pacifiers. shes gunna do great in college.

(512): everytime she opens her mouth i wish that i was deaf

(517): dude sorry but u no that when a guys 'likes' ur pic on facebook it only means he was just jacking off to it.

(843): I had my own version of the Hangover last night. I woke up to a disassembled Christmas tree, shit on the futon, and a hamster in the bathroom with a necklace on that said "Feed Me Bitch." I don't own a hamster. I don't know what I drank last night, but I want to do it again.

(719): Found a barbie with nipples. Life is complete.

(609): imagine if we didn have a dick. we would be so much more productive

(614): Well, if your day started with strippers, then we're tied. Otheriwse, I'm winning.

(530): My co-worker just asked me if i colored my hair. Time to take a shower.

(850): Fuck the gym. I just shaved m'cooch and my pants now fit looser.... Dont judge me.

(713): He threw a goldfish cracker into my toilet and then proceeded to laugh for 32 minutes. I timed it.

(703): something came early last nite... and lemme tell u it wasn't christmas...

(201): As soon as I saw the video camera and red light on, I started rolling my eyes when he would put it in me and telling him maybe his dick was too small cause I didn't feel me that tape is going nowhere

(919): Are you seriously picking mariokart over a blowjob? nott to sound like a bitch but seriously?

(619): Do you know how hard it is to masturbate with a runny nose?

(724): how do flat chested girls get laid?

(607): I have your camera. You have 35 naked pictures of me. you're welcome.

(443): The album was titled "Best Night Ever" until she found out she was preggers and switched it to "God Punishes Sluts"

(304): he was so high, he talked to my goldfish for an hour telling him the dangers of overfeeding.

(870): i used the pictures of vaginas in your biology book to jack off.

(614): My 40 year old neighbors are throwing a party for their eight year old niece's birthday. It's 1am and they're still partying hard. Harder than me. It's Saturday. Just say it, I'm a disgrace to the generation.

(843): Drinking wine. Reading twilight. On a Friday night. Biggest loser contest. First Place.

(702): i sneezed during and he said it felt like i gave birth to his dick...then asked me to do it again.

(732): He told me his condom was going to expire tomorrow and he needed to use it. I can't believe I fell for it.

(917): she said "lets play dickbreaker!" and then threw my blackberry at my dick as hard as she could.

(937): i just threw up ON my final. epic way to end the semester.

(978): Do you think anyone has ever tried to have sex with a cows udder before?

(520): woke up this morning with pubes superglued to my face, not my pubes

(6:00 AM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I know I'm my own person, but I can never look at her objectively yes? Because she's hot?Because you liked her enough that it made you sad when you two broke up? That she's living a life I want..? Or because we could have been friends? I am my own person but sometimes I feel, I'm just not good enough for you. When whoever brings her up, I listen more intently, and don't know how to feel when she's mentioned, good or in a bad way. I really just don't know. I'm so sorry you have such an insecure girlfriend. I detach myself from emotions because.. I don't know how to deal with them. Am I right in thinking that this happens to every girl?.. or is it just me.
I wouldn't give up forever to touch you, but you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be.
~Just get back up when they knock you down.~ And that's a fucking order from me, myself and I.

(11:49 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Okay, so I already know what I want to do for my holidays:

1) WORK OUT! WORK OUR WORK OUT WORK OUT so I don't feel fat!
2) Level my shammy to 80
3) Helloooooooooo, I want to break in my supp cards!
4) Think of something to do for babe's slave-for-a-day =P
5) Club? =S
6) BTT

EDIT: OMG I forgot to include TDH! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! Sorry.. =( We'll go out okayyyyyyyy? I didn't put it there because I thought it was a given! I love you darling.

And wtf CM and Matt were fighting over to read Cosmo. Gay, much?

(11:19 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I love you babe =( Can you treat me the same way please?

(1:52 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sometimes, you just want to say some things to some people, but you can't because they'll end up conflicted and dislike you for saying it. Damn this sucks.

Read this email someone sent to TDH today, a 2000 word-long synonym for "I chanced upon seeing our secondary school teacher and we decided to meet up, you wanna come?" Nice.

Holyyyyyyyyy freaking crap I SUCK at TOC. And it's not even about the gear or level. Whhhhhat the fuck.

(5:56 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

The Dancer.

Yes I'm SHY when I meet new people, so I come off as an unfriendly shithole.
+ Dancing =D
+ F.R.I.E.N.D.S
+ Desperate Housewives
+ Whose Line Is It Anyway
+ Shopping
+ Durians.. yum!

+ 2 faced people -.-
+ Words typed in THAT way
+ No ballet =(('Cept for a few minorities)

Guess?, Gucci, Zara, Forever 21, Topshop,
Pull and Bear


+ Tan like a beach goddess!
+ Smexxay, long hair that just fa-LOWS
+ To make people laugh

Jin Long
Xiu Hui
Yee Ting
Pei Ni
Jia Ying

Jun Shen
Zhong Shou
Han Yang
Pang Yong
Wee Chong


She Danced.

February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
April 2020
The Song.

Lyrics | Plain White T%27s Lyrics | A lonely September Lyrics


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