My blog. My world. My rules. Now get on your knees.
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sigh I hate it when I get tongue-tied towards people I don't know/very well. It took me 6 hours to figure out I should have said "Nice to see you again!" instead of just smiling (awkwardly, I might add) and walking away, to my ice-skating coach who I've not seen for god knows how long. And then another time when my boyfriend reminded me to wave to his aunt. I mean, it's not like I do it on purpose, it just never occurred to me to WAVE! So yes I was there (trying to) smile at her, feeling like an idiot, before he asked me to wave. I have no people skills! And I'm fucking shy when I meet new people. And the worst part is.... drumroll... I look, in nice terms, unfriendly, but basically, like a bitch. GAH! So, yes, when I look at you and grimace, I don't hate you. This whole blog post is so pointless, but yes sometimes, I feel misunderstood. Stop giving me those "Back off bitch" looks, it's not like I'll say "whatthefuck" when I accidentally bump into you =P lil' inside joke there.

So yes, this is me. I'm shy, can't ever get sick of Titanic, goes to the gym, loves travelling to Europe, dances at home when no one is watching in my underwear, loves cheeky/sexual innuendos, checks out hot guys, listens to music, sings along to the radio, has PMS(sadly), loves shopping, loves Dolce&Gabanna, wants a convertible, loves to hang out with her friends, plays WoW, takes ballet, reads, LOVES DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, dislikes a few certain people, is bimbotic at times(AT TIMES!), loves her boyfriend, doesn't wear makeup everyday, LOVES COOKING, a foodie, is listening to Starstrukk at the moment, likes to text in complete words, can't be arsed to blog all the time, but constantly wants her friends to update theirs, wants bigger boobs, longer legs, a naturally dark skin tone, showers, eats, bios, sleeps, thinks her bf is crazy for saying Rihanna is hot, and sometimes misunderstood. In short, like every other teenage girl.

(2:23 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thank you babe, for getting me through this one day. Think you're really the only person who can help me, because I'll never tell the truth to anyone else and I can and will lie to others too. I'm sorry, but this is what is going to happen EVERY SINGLE DAY. One day at a time alright? I love you.

P.S. YOU ARE SO BAD! Seriously have to stop doing that!

(1:27 AM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Monday, November 23, 2009

(770): his dad told me thanks for making his little boy a man at breakfast this morning

(360): afterwards we were spooning and he said he wished he was a kangaroo so he cold put me in his pouch and keep me forever. I left as soon as he was asleep.

(314): On a scale of one to Chris Brown, how angry are you?

(303): she was so "full of love" from watching twilight that she came over and gave me a handjob. when does the next movie come out?

(917): the biggest problem in our relationship is that im team edward and my boyfriend is team jacob

(416): dude i woke up in a pile of chocolate chips. this has to stop happening

(626): that sweater is a total boner killer. you might as well be wearing a wedding dress.

(720): He made me cum so much, I almost let him spend the night. The operative word being"almost".

(443): And then I'm going to yell into her vagina and see if it echoes

(519): Dude, I just spun my iPhone on my boner without it falling off. I belong in cirque du soleil.

(734): Medical school killed my enjoyment of porn. Hard to keep a boner when you're diagnosing all the actor's STDs and skin disorders.

(330): Just told the nurse I wouldn't get on the scale. Told her to write FAT.

(757): if i see another status about New Moon, i'm gonna punch a baby

(609): the boobs are fake... i feel like i just found out santa isn't real.

(914): There's a girl in my class named "La-a" pronouced "Luh Dash uh" I hate everyone

(631): our school mascot just walked into class and threw condoms everywhere. welcome to college

(3:53 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Thursday, November 19, 2009

(917): It's so hard to take my boss as an authorative figure with her New Moon movie tickets taped to her wall

(904): my entire walk over here no one looked in my eyes. Period Boobs are BAACKKK.

(203): We were so tired we rock paper scissored for who would be on top. I won.

(210): By the grace of god and the ingenuity of Alexander Graham Bell, this text message is made possibe: YOU ARE A WHORE

(978): you know what sucks? talking to chicks you dont want to have sex with

(506): porn bloobers exist! never have i laughed so hard while jerking off!

(201): I wanted to dispute a few 411 charges on my phone bill. The service rep told me I called them four times asking for Lady Gaga's number.

(813): I just wanted to say sorry for trying to jack off your dog last night.

(252): U know u have sex too much when u have lube in ur rolliball on ur blackberry

(845): I just saw what sperm look like swimming around. I'm not happy with what you've put in my stomach.

(832): What do ugly girls do when they get too drunk at parties. They can't pull the whole "sorry i passed out on your couch but i'm hot so it doesn't matter "card

(914): Her problem is just that he inner beauty is just as ugly as her physical beauty

(847): My mom is making me buy a single zucchini, I look like someone who can't afford a dildo

(610): I can only be a whore so many days outta the week.
(631): Samesies

(609): I just got a bj @ my old childhood memories r all ruined

(8:54 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Monday, November 16, 2009

It seems like after I don't blog for a week, I get in about 3 posts on 1 day, heh.

Anyway, was just thinking how nice it is to have such a tall boyfriend! I CAN ACTUALLY WEAR HEELS. And well, tall guys proportionately have.................. =]

And I don't understand why we can't mix English and Mandarin together, but when it's other languages it's fine? For example:
Wo hen love you. - WRONG
This is OISHI. - Cute/funny/cool
Guess what, it's not.

And sigh, it's time to face up to stark reality that yes, you have to work hard at something to make it better. Study harder to get good grades, work out to stay healthy and hot, play WoW to level your toon, socialise so you won't become a lonely old maid. Damn I hate it when parents are right. (Although they probably don't ask you to play computer games lol) I've been thinking about the future, where spouses would have to work hard at their job, children and relationship. That is some scary shit. But hey I'm willing to do it for the right guy.

Went to Xiaxue's blog for the first time. Wow she's scary. "Famous" for being "famous", like Paris Hilton I guess. Oh wait Paris came out with perfume and clothing lines. Oops.

Fuck I need a bigger social life. But DARN MY STRICT DAD!

(10:21 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

If a handbag and a car is *DA* sex, then you need a new boyfriend! =D

(12:08 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Was feeling like blogging, but never got around to it, especially yesterday. Somehow levelling my toons seemed more important =P Well it was! One more level to a mount! God I sound like SUCH a geek right now.

Birthday was fun, with 2 nice dinners! First dinner with TDH at Blu, the dessert was awesomeeeeeeeeeeee! I sound like a chavvvvvvvvv but i don't careeeeeeee. It's called breakfast, looks like a half of a hard boiled egg the size of your fist slash heart. Set upon what looks like some semi-solid slash liquid mush at the bottom. The mush was passionfruit mousse, egg white's coconut sorbet and the yolk is mango puree. When eaten seperately, it all tastes normal, but when together, holymotherofallthatisgoodandpure it's goooooooooooooooood. Sour and sweet, delicious! Sorry babe but it beats your oreo dessert anytime. Lobster thermidor was very very good. As TDH said, "this is the first time I've been able to taste the difference between lobster and crayfish". Best lobster ever. Chef was funny, was his very cute accent. So when TDH asked me if he was cute, "Well, he's caucasian and he can cook" And damn he's not the fat kind you know. He's cute.

2nd dinner with my dad at Pontini's. Haha both of the restaurants have "tiny portions of pretentious food", and when my dad looked at his first course, I saw his relentless eyes sweep across the large, almost table-wide plate, in search of the food, and I could almost see the question "Where is it?" form a thought bubble above his head, mirroring his expression (of horror, if you will. Or hunger) and the tentative pause of his knife and fork, before engulfing the dish the diameter of a thumb and the height of a lima bean in about half a second. Well done dad. Alright just feeling a little literary there, but you get the point. My duck confit's skin was not crispy! The horror! The blasphemy! The utter outrage of it all! It's like getting into a relationship and finding out your guy can't get it up. Gravity of the situation is deep ass! Dessert, like the 1st dinner, was the best part of the meal. The zabaglione was airy and light, too sweet on it's own but perfect with very-slightly-sourish berries, yum!

(10:26 AM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Out of the hundred restaurants in Singapore, my boyfriend and dad want to bring me to the same one, great. Anyone have any recommendations..?

(9:04 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

I am craving like mad for chocolate! Muuuuuuuuust resisttttttttttt........ Ugh. And Nigella's cakes look so freaking awesome.. Actually contemplating baking a cake just to eat it. PERIOD CRAVINGS! I hope..

(7:35 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just realised I haven't blogged in a while.. Nothing to say anyway! Ehm.. played mj with Andrew, TDH and Cyn, lost at it........ And.. hmmm.. Going to shop tomorrow and do my hair on thursday for my birthday.. That is, if you believe what I said, "for my birthday". Lol so yes hopefully I'm going shopping tomorrow!

(10:36 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

While at the grocery store, I saw a mother with her two-year-old daughter sitting in the shopping cart. After her mother apparently made a shopping selection that she did not approve of, the little girl made a disgusted face and shouted “FAIL!” IMMD

(513): You tried to wear your Jesus costume into Family Christian stores and say it was a book signing.

2nd Nov: Did something that was very very bad and fucking good =!!

(7:20 PM) Dancing with all the stars aboveYYY

The Dancer.

Yes I'm SHY when I meet new people, so I come off as an unfriendly shithole.
+ Dancing =D
+ F.R.I.E.N.D.S
+ Desperate Housewives
+ Whose Line Is It Anyway
+ Shopping
+ Durians.. yum!

+ 2 faced people -.-
+ Words typed in THAT way
+ No ballet =(('Cept for a few minorities)

Guess?, Gucci, Zara, Forever 21, Topshop,
Pull and Bear


+ Tan like a beach goddess!
+ Smexxay, long hair that just fa-LOWS
+ To make people laugh

Jin Long
Xiu Hui
Yee Ting
Pei Ni
Jia Ying

Jun Shen
Zhong Shou
Han Yang
Pang Yong
Wee Chong


She Danced.

February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
April 2020
The Song.

Lyrics | Plain White T%27s Lyrics | A lonely September Lyrics


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